Qiuhe Peng
Nanjing University, China
Title: An unifi ed model of supernova driven by magnetic monopoles
Biography: Qiuhe Peng
Magnetic monopoles may catalyze nucleon decay (RC effect) according to the particle physics. Using the RC effect, we proposed a model of a super-massive star with magnetic monopoles at the Galactic Center (instead of the black hole model) 30 years ago and three predictions in our papers of ApJL in 2001 have been quantitatively confirmed recent years: 1) a strong radial magnetic field near the GC is confirmed by the observation in 2013; 2) The emitting rate of the positrons from the GC is consistence with the observation in 2003; and 3) The spectrum peak of the thermal radiation is at 1013 Hz in the sub-mm wavelength regime is consistence with the observation in 2013. These are the astronomical observational evidences of magnetic monopoles. Besides, we have estimated the number of magnetic monopoles interior of stars and planets, which were captured from the space since the star formation. Based on the estimation and taking the RC effect as the energy source, we propose an unified model of supernova driven by magnetic monopoles, which may simply explain the core collapsed supernova: SNII, SNIb, SNIc and SLSN and the dark explosion of SN very well.